Currently, there are well over 26 miles of multi-use trails marked with trail signs. Most
trail markers have an arrow on the backside of the sign pointing the way back to camp.
There are seven trails. Each trail is assigned a color. Trail markers have been painted with
the appropriate color. Following is the round trip mileage for each trail.
RED TRAIL - This trail is a 7-1/2 mile
round trip. The Red Trail serves as the main trail.
All the other trails, on this side of the creek, connect to the red trail.
WHITE TRAIL - This 2-1/2 mile (round trip) "figure 8" trail shares the Red Trail corridor for a short
distance and also leaves the Red Trail near the two trail heads. It has the most ups and downs of any of our trails. In the
spring the trail is lined with bluebonnets and the other flowers found in spring. This trail meanders and curves around the
Red Trail and also shares a portion of the Red Trail corridor making a figure eight shape.
YELLOW TRAIL - This trail outlines an agricultural field and will provide you with a 1 mile round
trip ride. Most of the trail is near a tree line and shade comes and goes according to the time of day. One side of the trail
is near a railroad track. Listen for the train whistle and plan your ride accordingly. One side of the Yellow Trail shares
the same trail corridor as the Red Trail (Walker Road) and no it is not named for Walking Horses. That was the name of the
original Ellis County road that ran through the area before Bardwell Lake was made.
ORANGE TRAIL - This 1/2 mile trail (round trip) can be found between the Red and Blue Trails and
often serves as a short cut for riders traversing between the two trails. The Orange Trail circles around a field. One side
of the trail is outlined by a tree covered levee with dense bottomland forest features. Another side of the trail is near
a slough. Watch for ducks in the winter time.
BLUE TRAIL - This 2-1/2 mile round trip trail is most everyone's favorite trail. It is accessed from
the Red or Orange Trail. It is curvy, flat and has a challenging 3 culvert concrete crossing, known as the "HOrseshoe Bridge" which
leads to an old levee. The Blue Trail runs along Waxahachie Creek and if you stay with it will eventually lead you to the
Ennis Rotary Club Bridge. The entire Blue Trail is shrouded with dense bottomland forest trees. Watch for the tree with the
gargoyle face. Let us know if you see it! Hint: It is near the Ennis Rotary Club Bridge!
ENNIS ROTARY CLUB BRIDGE - This bridge was manufactured by Watkins Construction Company in Corsicana, Texas.
It is 70 feet long and the overall width is 7 feet wide. However, inside usable width is 6 feet wide. About the same width
as the inside of a stock trailer. Ennis Rotary Club donated the bridge to the trail project as part of their 100 year celebration.
PINK TRAIL - This is the new trail on the far side of the Ennis Rotary Club Bridge. The pink trail
is 5-1/2 miles long (one way) so remember not to start that ride too late in the day or you will be riding back
in the dark!
The Pink Trail follows the other side of Waxahachie Creek and then meanders along the power lines for awhile until
coming to a meadow with cedar trees. Currently, until July 16, 2006 the trail ends before the last phase of the trail project
known as "The Land Between The Gullies" The new LOVE Crossing opened July 16, 2006. LOVE means Lots of Volunteer Efforts!!!!
The Pink Trail meanders through lush bottomland forest which has a variety of wildlife living under
its canopy. Ride quietly and keep a sharp lookout for wildlife. Sometimes they are well hidden watching you pass by!
GREEN TRAIL - Once you cross the Rotary Club bridge
continue straight and up over the levee. Turn right and follow the tree line around to a cozy tree lined lane. A
large portion of this 1-1/2 mile trail (1 way mileage only) follows a big Brazos Electric line.
A few of the wooden utility poles have arrows pointing back toward the bridge. The pink trail meanders across the Green
Trail in a couple of places. Try out the new shaded part of this trail. NOTE: If you
have a pacemaker do not spend to much time on this trail because of the electricity in the area. Also, GPS equipment or cell
phones may not function correctly close to the high line wires.
Trail maps are available at the gatehouse. Please ask for one if you would like to use it. The Girl Scouts recently
colored the maps for us!!! Thanks girls!
However, the Green Trail is not depicted on the current trail map.
LADIES if you don't want to ride alone at Bardwell check out the website at
They are a fun group of women who love to ride, visit and have a good time!
There is an information board at each trailhead. The brown trail head is at the bottom of the hill near the
bathroom facility and the boat ramp.
The green trailhead is
the new parking area for day use parking and there are 4 electric and water hookups for overnight camping. Turn left by the
bathroom facility and proceed up the hill to this new area.